Project 3

Id, Ego and Superego        2021

This experience aims to explore our more cynical needs and desires - the instinctual part of the mind that contains sexual and aggressive drives and hidden memories. By phrasing the statements from the superego as "society expects us to ...", "we are expected to ..." or "we should ...", this divination process aims to show the societal expectations implemented onto us and how the construct of society forces us to repress certain aspects of ourselves. Framing the answer the superego gives in the form of an entity other than you imposing ideas onto you further exposes our true 'cynical' needs and desires. This divination ritual is a critique of the view that the superego is an ‘angel’, as it is actually just a construct implemented onto us by society.

The RiTa.js library was used to control some aspects of the digital divination. A random word from the text inputted by the user is chosen and is scanned for rhyming or similar words, which is then used to find a match within the "id" and "superego" sentences of the JSON file to determine which of the two will output the chosen phrase back to the user.

Design Process
