Project 3

gezellig.        2020

I created a moving poster that embodies a single word - "gezellig". Gezelligheid is a Dutch word which, depending on context, signifies 'conviviality', 'coziness', 'fun'. It is often used to describe a social and relaxed situation.

The essence of the word cannot be translated to English, which is why I find it so intriguing. This comments on the development of language. Some words or phrases in certain languages cannot be translated into others. Languages have developed over time, stemming from different areas. These areas consist of different environments, ways of living, climates, etc. and these differences are embodied in each language. For example, English only has a few words for snow, whereas the Russian language has at least a hundred, and even more if local dialects or cognates (words with one stem) are taken into account. This is because Russia has a colder climate, which influences the language as one needs to be able to differentiate between different types of snow. I find the phenomenon of language really interesting due to this, and hence, I decided to work with this concept in a language that I speak - Dutch.

This interactive poster focuses on the vibe received from the visuals and their motion, rather than on the word itself. It puts the meaning behind the word at the forefront, showcasing what the word embodies and its importance to me.


Click and hold/let go anywhere within the frame of the project.

Design Process

Conveying what the word "gezellig" embodies is more effective through imagery and artistic choices, as its essence cannot be translated in words. I chose the color scheme to be blue as blue represents both the sky and the sea, and is associated with open spaces. It hence creates a mood of peace and tranquility. I used a cursive type due to its curvy nature that mimics beach waves and creates the idea of flow. This is emphasized by the movement of the word in a wave-like motion.

It was quite difficult to figure out which shades would suit the scheme. I manipulated the values of green and blue in the RGB breakdown of the rectangles, and actually found the right combination by accident. I had declared global variables for the RGB breakdown, and accidentally switched the order when coding the rectangle fill - instead of RGB, I inputted RBG. Sometimes, accidents lead to the best outcomes.

I experimented with manipulating trigonometric functions to create various effects, such as the words moving along the sine function, as well as the letters of "gezellig" flowing in an up-and-down motion. I also used arrays to access each letter of the word in an efficient manner.

I found it challenging to animate the rectangles in the way that I envisioned. Initially, I wanted them to follow the curves of the sine wave created by the words, both above and below the word wave. However, as I was working on manipulating the rectangles, I stumbled upon the overlapping look, and found this well-suited for the design look I was going for, one that fit the vibe of "gezellig". I then added static rectangles on the backmost layer to form a connection between static and motion, which led me to the final outcome. Again, this accident led to a discovery.


Before starting to code the interactive poster, I already had a vision. However, during the coding process, many accidents changed my path to lead me to the outcome I have. It was interesting to see how your trajectory can shift and alter through experimentation, and how it's not just you who communicates what you want to the program, but the program communicates what it can offer to you too, which can influence and broaden your thoughts and perspective in almost a collaborative manner.


I found the work of Moon Jang, featured work on the p5.js showcase, and Tim Rodenbroker’s programming posters inspirational.